Center of Critical Care provides comprehensive critical care services. Equipped with state-of-the-art equipment supported by a specialist’s team, we provide all lifesaving procedures including resuscitation, airway protection, vascular support, cardiac support, cardiac pacing, and multidisciplinary support in case of accidents, falls, and assaults
- Dedicated MRI, CT, CR, CATH LAB, ULTRASOUND and LABORATORY SERVICES round the clock.
- Dedicated resuscitation beds, crash cart, multi channel monitors, mechanical ventilators
- Dedicated minor OT for emergency procedures, trauma and surgical emergencies Stroke treatment team with neurologist, radiologist and neurosurgeons
- Trauma team with orthopedic surgeon, general surgeon, plastic surgeon, vascular surgeon to take care of poly trauma patients
- Paediatric team for emergencies related to children;dedicated pediatric care beds for pediatric emergencies
Critical Care
The critical care department provides 24/7 Comprehensive Care and Life Support Services to patients who are critically ill and require intensive monitoring to be carried out by multidisciplinary team.The equipments and state-of-the-art infrastructure of this department meet international standards so as to assist patient recovery. The critical care services are spread over a number of intensive care units (ICUs) and each of the beds has state-of-the-art equipment to keep track of vital parameters. We have Intensivist with vast experience in their area of expertise present round the clock to provide care to critically ill patients. They work in coordination with doctors of the other departments to provide comprehensive care to the patient. We have expert medical and support staff that follow strict hospital infection control practices to provide multidisciplinary care at an affordable cost.
Adult Critical Care: The ICU has the most advanced technology and equipments like advanced ventilators, multi para monitors, defibrillators, and bronchoscope. The invasive and minor surgical procedures are carried out bedside. Facilities for bedside diagnostics including ECG, X-rays, ultrasonography, echocardiography, fluoroscopy and procedures like bedside dialysis, endoscopy, bronchoscopy with emergency laboratory services are available round-the-clock. The unit has one of the best nurses: patient ratio along with special isolation rooms to prevent spread of infectious diseases.
Neonatal/ Paediatric Critical Care: The unit is equipped with state of the art equipment such as modern ventilators, multichannel monitor which includes invasive and non-invasive pressure monitoring besides basic vital parameters. Ventilators can carry out invasive and non-invasive ventilation in critically ill children. The unit is managed round the clock by dedicated and skilled pediatric nurses, resident doctors, clinical associate/ junior consultant. These personnel work in close association under guidance of Consultant pediatric Intensives. Senior members of staff counsel parents/relatives of critically ill children about their condition, likely outcome, long term prognosis etc which helps in maintaining transparency.
Operation Theatre Complex: We have sophisticated ultramodern international standard modular operation theatres functional at one time with HEPA filters & Laminar Flow to cater joint replacement, Spine surgeries, micro, neuro, pediatric and laparoscopic surgeries. A dedicated team of Anesthetists to provide round the clock services along with their team for the patients (pre-operative checkups and post operative pain control with modern techniques like PCA (Patient controlled analgesia) and epidural analgesia. One of the world’s best Anesthesia machines with attached ventilator and monitors. Dedicated recovery wards. A 1:1 nurse to patient ratio ensures a very close post-operative monitoring for the initial first hour.