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Welcome to the Department of Anaesthesiology at Yatharth Hospital where we provide state-of-the-art anesthesia services to patients. Anesthesia is a pertinent part of any surgery and used to numb the pain so that the surgical procedure can be smoothly carried out. No surgery can be performed without anesthesia. An efficient and sound anesthesia service is vital to not only prevent pain but also to make surgery easier, faster and non-complicated for patients as well as doctors.

Yatharth takes pride to house excellent anesthesiology department where experienced anthologists are committed to taking care of patients during surgery. Our responsibility not only extends up to modern Operation Theaters (OTs) but goes beyond it. Our Anesthesiology department encompasses highly advanced Pre anesthesia Clinic as well as Post Anesthesia Care Units through which our experienced anesthesiologists optimize pre-operative patient status, provide quality patient care in operation theaters, and take comprehensive patient care during early critical hours post-surgery.

Different types of anesthesia impact the human nervous system differently. Our anesthesiologists are expert in assessing patient’s medical readiness for the surgery, depending on the medical illness. Our Anesthesiology department makes the best effort to provide continual medical assessment to the patient and control patient’s pain and level of consciousness to establish ideal condition required for safe and successful surgery.

Anaesthesia : Condition & Treatments

Team of Doctors