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Symptoms of a Heart attack in Women

Symptoms Of A Heart Attack In Women

Symptoms of a Heart attack in Women and How to reduce the risk of a Heart attack?

An interruption in the blood supply to the heart can result in a heart attack, a potentially fatal situation. Knowing the symptoms of a heart attack unique to women may encourage someone to seek medical treatment more quickly, possibly saving their life.

Women are less likely to survive their initial heart attack than men. The symptoms may vary between the sexes, which could explain this. Women are more likely to experience an uncommon symptom or suffer a "silent" heart attack. Many people anticipate a heart attack to occur suddenly. However, evidence indicates that women have symptoms weeks before a heart attack.  The study of heart diseases is called Cardiology

Women may Suffer a Variety of Symptoms, including:

1. Shortness of breath and overall malaise
2. Arm soreness or a feeling of constriction
3. Pressure or backache

Why is Heart Attack More Common in Females?

Historically, research on heart disease in males has shaped most of our theories on the condition in women. However, there are numerous arguments in favour of the notion that women experience it differently. Women frequently experience distinct heart-attack symptoms than men, and they are considerably more likely than men to pass away a year after having a heart attack. Additionally, it appears that women don't respond as well to clot-busting medications or specific heart-related medical procedures as males do.

Heart disease can begin in infancy, progress subtly through time, and suddenly manifest as a sudden, often fatal heart attack. Therefore, we shouldn't put off taking adequate measures to lower our risk until women start exhibiting the symptoms of a heart attack or until more information from research is available. 

Symptoms of a Heart Attack in Women?

A heart attack doesn't necessarily feel the same in women as in males. Women don't often have the same traditional heart attack symptoms as men, such as intense chest pain traveling down one arm. Women can have heart attack symptoms, but many also endure nebulous or even "silent" symptoms that they may not recognize. Four symptoms of a heart attack in women are different from that of men. These are as follows -:

1. Women experience this form of discomfort more frequently than men do.

 Women who anticipate their discomfort to be concentrated in their left arm and chest rather than their back or jaw may be perplexed by it. Before it intensifies, the pain may wax and wane and be gradual or abrupt. It might jolt you out of sleep. Any "not normal or inexplicable" symptoms in any area of your body above the waist should be reported to your doctor or other medical professionals.

Numerous cardiologists advised women to be aware of cardiovascular illnesses because they affect them more frequently than males.

2. Chest Pain and Discomfort

This is the most common symptom of Heart-attack in women and men; a person feels excessive pain in her chest and is likely to get fainted in a moment. Women sometimes feel that intense pain is due to Indigestion and may be acceptable in a few minutes, but this small mistake strengthens the intensity of a heart attack.

3. Stomach Pain

People can confuse stomach pain that indicates a heart attack with heartburn, illness, or a stomach ulcer. Other times, women feel intense abdominal pressure, like an elephant sitting on their stomachs. According to cardiologists, women may experience unusual pain as a heart attack symptom.

4. Sweating 

Women experiencing a heart attack frequently begin to sweat uncontrollably and coldly. It will feel more like stress-related perspiration than sweat from working out or being outside in the heat. It advised rushing a woman to the hospital immediately if she experiences chest pain and is perspiring so she can be treated for a heart attack. 

How to reduce the risk of a Heart attack?

While you may not be able to stop a heart attack completely, you can take some preventive measures to avoid the risk of a heart attack. These are simple tips that you can incorporate to have a better and enhanced lifestyle.

1. Be Physically Active

You need not join a gym to be physically active, even regular walks around the park can be helpful. In today’s day and age where most people are busy with desk jobs, it is highly recommended that you stay physically active in some way or the other.

2. Quit Smoking

Smoking is a significant risk factor when it comes to a heart attack. So if you smoke, now is the time to quit to prevent a heart attack in the future. Smoking leads to the majority of cases of coronary thrombosis and hence you must quit smoking immediately.

3. Keep your blood pressure controlled

You can adopt these tips like eating healthy with a balanced diet and following other precautionary measures to keep your blood pressure under control. You should ensure to keep your blood pressure below 140/9ommHg. 

4. Cut Unhealthy foods 

Reduce your intake of unhealthy foods by avoiding processed or prepared foods, which are frequently heavy in salt and added sugar. Preservatives are also present in abundance in them. Steer clear of butter, fried meals, palm oil, and fatty steak. All include a lot of saturated fat.

5. No Alcohol 

Limit personal alcohol consumption and refrain from starting if you don't already. Limit your drinking if you do. The suggested daily limit for alcohol consumption is one drink for women and two for males. Your blood pressure and heart rate will increase after drinking. Additionally, it raises blood fat and may lead to weight gain.