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Mr. Shourya Purohit

Mr. Shourya Purohit

Mr. Shourya Purohit


BA(H) Psychology, MA (Clinical Psychology), Diploma in Sports and Exercise Psychology, PhD Clinical Psychology(Pursuing)

Psychology & Psychiatry

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Mr. Shourya Purohit is a Psychologist with extensive experience in patients with Mental health disorders. Holding an MA in Clinical Psychology and currently pursuing a PhD, he is committed to helping individuals overcome challenges and achieve optimal mental well-being. Mr. Shourya additional training in Sports and Exercise Psychology provides a unique perspective on the mind-body connection.

Work Experience:

Trainee Psychologist at WE AVEC U Mental Health Organisation

The psychologist at HOPEQURE Wellness Solutions

Specialty Interest:

Clinical Disorders


Lifestyle Issues

Work life balance

Research and Publications:

Emerging Technologies & Innovative Research (ISSN: 2349-5162) (06/2023) Topic: Family Attachment, Family Conflict & Life Satisfaction amongst Juvenile Delinquents

International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (ISSN: 2320-2882) (05/2020) Topic - Difference in coping among day scholars and hostlers