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Dr Shaphali Chandra

Dr Shaphali Chandra

Dr Shaphali Chandra

Trauma Surgeon

MBBS, MS, M.Ch (Trauma Surgery & Critical Care)

Emergency Medicine

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Dr. Shaphali Chandra is a certified Trauma surgeon, trained at AIIMS under leading experts in trauma care. Specializing in comprehensive trauma management, from non-operative to emergent damage control surgeries, she excels in emergency surgery and interdisciplinary teamwork. Known for quick decision-making and leadership, she is empathetic towards patients and dedicated to improving trauma care in India.

Work Experience:

3-year extensive super-specialization training in all aspects of Trauma care, right from management in ER to the rehabilitation of patients.

Associate Consultant Trauma Surgery & CC: Yatharth Superspeciality Hospital, Greater Noida

Senior Resident Trauma Surgery & CC, 3Yrs: (01/2021-12/2023): JPNATC, AIIMS - New Delhi

Education & Fellowships:

MBBS, 2010, Maulana Azad Medical College - Delhi

M.S., General Surgery, 2017 , Lady Hardinge Medical College - Delhi

M.Ch Trauma Surgery & Critical Care, 2021-JPNATC, AIIMS Trauma Centre - Delhi

Specialty Interest:

Damage Control Resuscitation

Damage control Surgeries involving Thorax, Abdomen, Neck, Pelvis, extremities, central and peripheral Vascular trauma. 

Emergency General Surgery 

Management of Maxillofacial trauma 

Definitive care of a Trauma patient 

Basic Laparoscopy skills 

Airway management (ranging from Intubation to Surgical airway) 

Damage control Orthopedics 

Basics of Critical Care and Mechanical Ventilation

Awards & Honors: