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Dr. Deepak Tyagi

Dr. Deepak Tyagi

Dr. Deepak Tyagi

HOD of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

BPT, MPT( Neuro)

Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation

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Dr. Deepak Tyagi is an esteemed Physiotherapist with over 15 years of comprehensive experience in leading high-end multidisciplinary physiotherapy teams and rehabilitation services. He is recognized for his exceptional clinical proficiency, dedication to patient-centric care, and expertise in developing effective treatment plans.

Work Experience:

.Dr. Tyagi currently serves as the Head of Department and Senior Physiotherapist, where he demonstrates exemplary leadership and advanced clinical skills in managing diverse physiotherapy cases.

Professional Membership:

Member of UP State Medical Faculty

Member of Indian Association of Physiotherapy

Education & Fellowships:

Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT)

Master of Physiotherapy (MPT)

Certification in Orthopedic Manual Therapy (COMT)

Member -UPSMF 

Member- MIAP

Specialty Interest:

Specialized treatment of cervical pain, back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, muscular pain, nerve pain, and pre and post-surgery physiotherapy.


Awards & Honors:

Featured at Salaam Namaste Radio 90.4 FM
Received several appreciation letters from his patients

Research and Publications:
