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Dr Amit Kumar

Dr Amit Kumar

Dr Amit Kumar

Consultant - Paediatric Cardiology

MBBD, MD (Paediatrics) & DNB (Paediatric Cardiology)


Book An Appointment OPD Schedule

Yatharth Super Speciality Hospital,

Noida Extension

Timing: 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM

Days: Tuesday & Friday

(Preferably with a prior appointment)

Work Experience:

Three years of DNB Paediatric Cardiology Fellowship training in Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, Okhla, New Delhi. (04/04/2018 – 15/08/2021)

Worked as a Senior Resident in Paediatrics in VMMC and Safdarjung hospital, New Delhi. (05/09/2014 - 04/09/2017)

Three years Post graduate training in Paediatrics in VMMC and Safdarjung hospital, New Delhi. (02/05/2011- 29/06/2014)

One-year internship in Patna Medical College, Patna, Bihar. (2008 to 2009) 

Education & Fellowships:

DNB Paediatric Cardiology: From April 2018 to August 2021, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, Okhla, New Delhi.

MD Paediatrics: From May 2011 to June 2014, VMMC and Safdarjung hospital, New Delhi.

MBBS: From 2003 to 2008. o College: Patna Medical College, Patna, Bihar. o University: Patna University, Bihar, India.

Training & Skills

Performed extensive Paediatric and adult congenital heart disease echocardiography independently in Paediatric cardiology OPD.

Performed Fetal Echocardiography independently in Fetal Echo lab.

Performed Paediatric diagnostic cardiac catheterization and angiographic studies.

 Performed ASD, PDA, and VSD device closure procedures

.Assisted in PDA stenting, COA ballooning and stenting, Balloon aortic valvotomy and balloon pulmonary valvotomy.

Assisted in Balloon mitral valvotomy.

Managed Paediatric cardiac ICU patients (post-cardiac surgery, post-cardiac cath. And device closure, cardiogenic shock, myocarditis, MISC etc)

Performed extensive outpatient, and indoor ward duties and community health clinics.

Worked in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and Paediatrics Intensive Care Unit (PICU).

Attended and worked in Paediatrics Pulmonology and Nephrology Clinics during residency.

Well-versed in endotracheal tube insertion, umbilical catheterization, exchange transfusion, lumbar puncture, intraosseous needle insertion, peritoneal dialysis, central line insertion, ventilator and Paediatric ICU management.

Well versed in handling paediatrics emergencies like shock, arrhythmias, status asthmatics, status epilepticus, diabetes ketoacidosis, meningo-encephalitis etc.

Expert in managing malnourished children. • Attended and worked in sub-speciality Clinics like Immunisation Clinic, Well Baby Clinic, High-Risk Clinic, Nephrology Clinic, Pulmonology and Infectious Disease Clinic, Paediatric Haematology, Haemophilia and Thalassemia Clinic, and Gastroenterology Clinic. 

Awards & Honors:

Participated in organizing and celebrating World Tuberculosis Day, World Asthma Day at Infectious Disease Clinic and World Kidney Day at Paediatric Nephrology Clinic of Department of Paediatrics, Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi


Research and Publication

Thesis during DNB Paediatric cardiology –Aortopathy in cyanotic congenital heart diseases: Prevalence and comparison of aortopathy among cyanotic congenital heart diseases in a tertiary care centre in India – under the able supervision of Dr Sushil Azad and Dr S. Radhakrishnan.

Thesis during MD Paediatrics – The predictors of meningitis in neonates with sepsis born in a tertiary care hospital – under the able supervision of Dr Harish Chellani