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65 Year Old Patient Revives Hearing Ability Through Cochlear Implant Surgery

A press meet was organized at Yatharth Hospital, Greater Noida on cochlear implantation, an advanced surgery for patients with hearing loss.

A 65-year-old patient who lost his hearing ability due to meningitis was successfully treated with Cochlear Implantation. The patient had lost his hearing ability sometime back and when even his hearing aid was not efficient enough, his daily chores and quality of life were completely affected.

The condition had caused severe damage to his hearing ability and even the assistance of a hearing aid did not benefit him. While desperately searching for treatment options, he was referred to Yatharth Hospital where he was advised to undergo Cochlear implant surgery. The surgery was a success and he was discharged without any complications. He is expected to have normal hearing after surgery when the implant is switched on.

“Over the past several years, tremendous advancements have been made in cochlear implant technology and surgery, resulting in new benefits and many improved services for patients of hearing loss. Until a decade back, patients who had severe hearing loss could not stand to gain much from a hearing aid; similarly recognizing speech with a cochlear implant was a major problem in noisy conditions. Telephone conversations were unimaginable. However, in recent years a lot of research and development in the field has ensured that a wide variety of patients with different needs are able to benefit from implantable devices. With advanced technology and specialized doctors available, Yatharth Hospital is aligned to provide much better services” said Dr Kapil Tyagi, MD, Yatharth Super Specialty Hospital

The cochlear implant is a device that comes as a saviour to such patients and their families. By filling in the role of the damaged cochlea cells, cochlear implant devices (with training and practice) enable wearers to comprehend speech and navigate through their daily lives.

“Cochlear implant surgery is a boon for infants with hearing loss since birth and for people who have lost hearing ability due to infection or trauma and are not benefiting with hearing aid. Cochlear implant devices are medical devices which work by using electrical signals to stimulate the ganglion cells and bypass the damaged sensory hair cells. Hearing loss can occur in children more often at a very young age. It can be even from birth or due to infections or events after delivery. All newborns should be screened at birth for hearing loss and those who fail the screening test should undergo a confirmatory test by the age of 6 months. If a hearing loss is detected, hearing aid trial should be given and Cochlear implant surgery should be planned at the earliest if no benefit is noted with hearing aids.” said Dr Harpreet Singh Kochhar, Senior Consultant ENT, and Cochlear implant surgeon, Yatharth Super Specialty Hospital.

Very few centres in India undertake the cochlear implant procedure, and Yatharth super speciality Hospital backed by its latest infrastructure available has been taking up such procedures on regular basis. In fact this is the only hospital in the surroundings of Greater Noida to perform the procedure. This case represents Yatharth Hospital's commitment to adopting advanced technology to provide best services to the patients.

The press conference was attended by Dr Kapil Tyagi (Managing Director), Mr Yatharth Tyagi (Director) and Dr Harpreet Singh Kochar (Senior Consultant, ENT & Cochlear Implantation) from Yatharth Super Speciality Hospitals.