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Dr. Sudhir Sharma

Dr. Sudhir Sharma

Dr. Sudhir Sharma

Director - Minimal Access, Robotic, Bariatric and General Surgery


General, Minimal Access & Bariatric Surgery
Robotic Surgery

Book An Appointment OPD Schedule

Yatharth Super Speciality Hospital,

Noida Extension

Timing: 09:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Days: Monday to Saturday


Dr. Sudhir Sharma has associated with Yatharth Hospital, Noida Extension as Director in the Department of MAS, Bariatric & General Surgery. He has a vast experience of over 35 years in this field, with latest advanced modalities of treatment for elective & emergency surgical cases. He has an experience of over 25,000 surgical procedures including 250 Bariatric Surgeries. These involve all abdominal & bowel Surgeries (both small as well as large bowel) like resection & anastomoses, ileostomies and colostomies & their subsequent closures, appendectomies, perforations, peritonitis, splenectomies, bullet injuries, stab injuries, liver & gallbladder surgeries etc. He also has an expertise in surgeries for various anal and perianal conditions, hydrocoeles, hernias, circumcisions, thyroid & other neck surgeries, breast surgeries etc. With his MBA and administrative skills, he is a National Faculty of NABH since 2010 for various programmes.

Work Experience:

Senior Resident in M.S. University of Baroda Medical College

Worked as a CMO (Casualty Medical Officer) at Batra Hospital

Senior Resident Department of General Surgery at Batra Hospital

Senior Resident Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Batra Hospital

Worked as a Consultant at National Heart Institute, New Delhi

Worked as a Director, Department of MAS, Bariatric at Fortis Group of Hospitals

Professional Membership:

Indian Medical Association (IMA Noida)

Asia Pacific Hernia Society

Indian Association of Gastro Endo Surgeons ( IAGES )

Association of Surgeons of India ( ASI )

Education & Fellowships:

M.B.B.S from M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat

M.S. (General Surgery) from M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat

MBA (Healthcare) from Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi University.

FIAGES (Fellowship of Indian Association of Gastro Endo Surgeons)

FICLS (Fellowship in Laparoscopic Surgery)