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Squint, also known as strabismus, is a condition where the eyes do not align properly and point in different directions. One eye may turn inwards, outwards, upwards, or downwards, while the other eye looks straight ahead. This misalignment can occur all the time or intermittently. Strabismus can affect both children and adults and may lead to vision problems if not treated.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Misaligned eyes
  • Double vision
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Head tilting or turning
  • Eye strain or discomfort
  • Poor depth perception

Squint Causes

The exact cause of squint is not known. The movement of each eye is controlled by six muscles. Each of these muscles act along with its counterpart in the other eye to keep both the eyes aligned properly. A loss of coordination between the muscles of the two eyes leads to misalignment.



Inward turning of the eye.


Outward turning of the eye.


Upward turning of the eye.


Downward turning of the eye.

Intermittent Strabismus:

The misalignment occurs occasionally.

Constant Strabismus:

The misalignment is always present.


Diagnosing strabismus involves a comprehensive eye examination by an ophthalmologist, which may include:

  • Visual acuity tests
  • Eye alignment tests
  • Refraction assessment to determine the need for glasses
  • Examination of the internal structures of the eyes
  • Evaluation of the coordination between the eyes


Non-Surgical Methods:

  • Eyeglasses or Contact Lenses: Correct refractive errors to help align the eyes.
  • Prism Lenses: Special lenses that can reduce the amount of turning the eye has to do to look at objects.
  • Eye Patching: Covering the stronger eye to force the weaker eye to work harder, thereby improving its strength.
  • Vision Therapy: Exercises designed to improve coordination and focus of the eyes.

Surgical Methods:

  • Strabismus Surgery: Involves adjusting the muscles around the eyes to correct their alignment. The procedure is usually done under general anesthesia, and the specific technique depends on the type and severity of strabismus.


  • What causes strabismus?

    Strabismus can be caused by genetics, problems with the eye muscles, nerve damage, or conditions like cerebral palsy or Down syndrome. Sometimes, the cause is unknown.

  • Can strabismus be prevented?

    Early detection and treatment of vision problems can prevent strabismus from developing or worsening. Regular eye exams are essential, especially for children.

  • Is strabismus common in children?

    Yes, strabismus is relatively common in children. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to prevent long-term vision problems.

  • Can adults develop strabismus?

    Yes, adults can develop strabismus due to conditions like stroke, thyroid eye disease, or head injuries. It can also occur as a result of longstanding childhood strabismus.

  • How effective is strabismus surgery?

    Strabismus surgery is generally effective in improving eye alignment. However, additional treatments or surgeries may be required, and regular follow-ups are important.

  • Are there any risks associated with strabismus surgery?

    As with any surgery, there are risks, including infection, overcorrection or undercorrection of the eye, and double vision. Discussing these risks with your surgeon can help you make an informed decision.

At Yatharth Hospital, our team of experienced ophthalmologists offers comprehensive care for strabismus, using the latest diagnostic tools and treatment methods to ensure the best outcomes for our patients. If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of strabismus, schedule a consultation with us to explore your treatment options.

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