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Vertigo is a sensation of spinning or whirling, often accompanied by a feeling of imbalance. It can result from various underlying conditions affecting the inner ear or central nervous system. Vertigo episodes can be brief or prolonged, affecting daily activities and quality of life.

Signs and Symptoms

Common signs and symptoms of vertigo include:

  • Spinning sensation: Like the room is spinning.
  • Dizziness or feeling unbalanced.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Abnormal eye movements: Nystagmus.
  • Tinnitus: Ringing in the ears.

Causes of Vertigo

Vertigo is commonly caused by issues with the inner ear. Conditions include:

  • Central Nervous System Disorders: These can affect the brain or spinal cord and lead to vertigo. Common disorders include:
    • Stroke: A sudden interruption of blood flow to the brain, potentially damaging areas that control balance and spatial orientation.
    • Multiple Sclerosis: A chronic autoimmune disease affecting the central nervous system, causing vertigo along with symptoms like muscle weakness, fatigue, and vision problems.
    • Migraine Headaches: These can cause vertigo in addition to headache, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Labyrinthitis: This inner ear infection affects the vestibular nerves, which are responsible for communicating balance and spatial navigation information to the brain. Vertigo is a symptom of labyrinthitis.
  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV): When small calcium deposits (canaliths) in the ear become dislodged and collect in the inner ear, they can disrupt balance by sending incorrect signals to the brain.
  • Meniere’s Disease: This condition involves fluid buildup in the inner ear, leading to changes in pressure and symptoms like ringing in the ear and vertigo.
  • Cholesteatoma: A benign skin growth in the middle ear, often resulting from repeated ear infections, can cause dizziness, hearing loss, and vertigo.

Types of Vertigo

  • Peripheral Vertigo: Caused by problems in the inner ear, such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), Meniere's disease, or vestibular neuritis.
  • Central Vertigo: Arises from issues in the brain or central nervous system, often associated with conditions like migraines, brainstem strokes, or multiple sclerosis.

Diagnosing Vertigo

Diagnosing vertigo involves:

  • Medical History and Physical Examination: Detailed evaluation of symptoms, triggers, and neurological functions.
  • Specialized Tests:
    • Romberg's Test: Assesses central nervous system function by observing balance with closed eyes.
    • Fukuda-Unterberger's Test: Identifies inner ear labyrinth issues based on body movement responses.
    • Vestibular Test Battery: Series of tests evaluating eye movements and vestibular function.
    • Head Impulse Test: Evaluates inner ear balance control through head movements.
    • Hearing Tests: Conducted to assess for hearing loss or tinnitus, utilizing audiometry and tuning fork tests.
    • Videonystagmography (VNG) and Electronystagmography (ENG): Analyzes eye movements to detect nystagmus and inner ear abnormalities.
    • Caloric Testing and Posturography: Measures balance organ function and postural stability.


Treatment for vertigo may include:

  • Medication:
    • Antihistamines: Help control symptoms by reducing inner ear inflammation (e.g., meclizine).
    • Anti-nausea medications: Prescribed to alleviate nausea and vomiting associated with vertigo episodes.
    • Benzodiazepines: May be used for short-term relief of vertigo symptoms by affecting neurotransmitters in the brain.
  • Physical Therapy:
    • Canalith Repositioning Maneuvers: Techniques like Epley maneuver for BPPV to reposition displaced calcium crystals in the inner ear.
    • Balance Training: Exercises to improve balance and reduce the frequency of vertigo episodes.
    • Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT): Exercises aimed at improving balance and reducing dizziness.
  • Surgery: Rarely recommended and typically reserved for cases where conservative treatments fail or for severe cases of Meniere's disease or vestibular schwannoma (acoustic neuroma).
  • Lifestyle and Home Remedies:
    • Avoid Triggers: Minimize alcohol intake, avoid caffeine, and manage stress levels.
    • Modify Your Environment: Ensure adequate lighting, use handrails on staircases, and avoid sudden head movements.
    • Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can exacerbate symptoms, so drink plenty of fluids.


Vertigo can lead to falls, resulting in fractures or other injuries, impacting overall health and well-being.


With proper diagnosis and treatment, vertigo has a favorable prognosis. Addressing the underlying cause is key to managing and alleviating vertigo symptoms effectively.


  • Is vertigo a serious condition? Vertigo itself is not life-threatening but can lead to falls and accidents if severe. Treating underlying causes is essential to manage symptoms.
  • Can vertigo be cured completely? It depends on the underlying cause. Some types of vertigo can be effectively managed with medication, physical therapy, or lifestyle changes.
  • What are the common triggers for vertigo attacks? Triggers can include sudden head movements, stress, lack of sleep, certain medications, and dietary factors.
  • When should I see a doctor for vertigo? Consult a doctor if you experience recurring or severe vertigo episodes, especially if accompanied by other neurological symptoms or hearing loss.
  • Can stress cause vertigo? Yes, stress and anxiety can exacerbate vertigo symptoms, although they are not direct causes.


At Yatharth Hospital, our multidisciplinary team offers expert diagnosis and comprehensive treatment options for vertigo. Whether you're experiencing mild dizziness or recurrent vertigo episodes, we provide personalized care to help you regain balance and improve your quality of life. Contact us to schedule a consultation with our specialists and explore effective solutions for managing vertigo.

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