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Hepatitis B is a viral infection that affects the liver, caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It can lead to both acute and chronic liver disease. HBV is transmitted through contact with infectious body fluids, such as blood, semen, and vaginal fluids, or from mother to child during childbirth. Hepatitis B can cause serious health issues, including liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.


Hepatitis B is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Transmission occurs through:

  • Blood Contact: Direct contact with infected blood, such as through needle sharing or blood transfusions.
  • Sexual Contact: Unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected person.
  • Vertical Transmission: From an infected mother to her baby during childbirth.
  • Needlestick Injuries: Accidental exposure to infected blood through needlestick injuries.
  • Sharing Personal Items: Sharing items such as razors or toothbrushes contaminated with infected blood.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Acute Phase: Initially, symptoms may be absent or mild, including fatigue and nausea.
  • Chronic Phase: Persistent infection can lead to more severe symptoms, such as jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes) and dark urine.
  • Long-term Complications: Chronic hepatitis B can lead to liver cirrhosis, liver failure, and hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer).


Hepatitis B infection can manifest as:

  • Acute Hepatitis B: Short-term infection that typically resolves within six months with adequate medical care.
  • Chronic Hepatitis B: Long-term infection lasting more than six months. It may require treatment with antivirals.


  • Blood Tests: To detect hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and HBV DNA.
  • Liver Function Tests: To assess liver health and function.
  • Ultrasound or TPCT Abdomen: Imaging tests may be performed to evaluate liver condition in chronic cases.


Medical Treatment

  • Antiviral Medications: Drugs such as entecavir and tenofovir can suppress viral replication and reduce liver damage.
  • Liver Transplant: In severe cases of liver failure or liver cancer, a liver transplant may be necessary.

Surgical Treatment

While surgical intervention is not typically required for hepatitis B, liver transplant may be considered in advanced cases.


  • Q: How is hepatitis B transmitted? A: Hepatitis B is transmitted through contact with infected body fluids, including blood, semen, and vaginal fluids. It can also be passed from an infected mother to her baby during childbirth.
  • Q: Is there a vaccine for hepatitis B? A: Yes, a safe and effective vaccine for hepatitis B is available. It is recommended for all infants at birth and for adults who are at risk of infection.
  • Q: Can hepatitis B be cured? A: While most cases of acute hepatitis B resolve on their own, chronic hepatitis B requires ongoing medical management. It can be managed with antiviral medications to suppress viral replication and reduce the risk of liver damage.
  • Q: What are the long-term effects of hepatitis B? A: Chronic hepatitis B can lead to serious liver conditions such as cirrhosis, liver failure, and liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma). Regular monitoring and medical care are essential to manage these risks.
  • Q: How can hepatitis B be prevented? A: Hepatitis B can be prevented by receiving the hepatitis B vaccine, practicing safe sex, avoiding sharing needles or personal items that may be contaminated with blood, and ensuring healthcare workers follow standard precautions.


At Yatharth Hospital, we offer comprehensive care for hepatitis B, including accurate diagnosis, effective treatment options, and preventive measures such as vaccination. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing personalized care and support to manage hepatitis B and improve patient outcomes.

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